More needlefelted hats!

Led another workshop in needlefelting last Saturday and here are the lovely results! A few are missing. There was a lovely dotted green (or maybe brown?) scarf that I loved, but forgot to photograph. A bunny rabbit hat didn’t make the photos because I can’t seem to stand still while taking photos. I had a grand old time, thank you everyone! Shawn

bluebraidhat.jpg She needlefelted these lovely twists all around her hat!

russethat.jpg Whimsical swirls surrounded this hat.

purplescarf.jpg I love this scarf. The talented needlefelter gave me a new idea by braiding the roving and then needlefelting it on the item. Thanx!

pearlscarf.jpg Another great scarf! This one was done by needlefelting with the help of a stencil.

goldhat.jpg Another whimsical hat!

bluehattop.jpgbluehatside.jpg Two views of the same hat. Very Scandinavian!

purplehat.jpg This photo demonstrates my inability to take photos. . . This is a gorgeous hat!! the flower has lots of texture and depth and I’m sorry not to have captured it better!

2 thoughts on “More needlefelted hats!

  1. Hi Allison,
    I’m glad you like the hats on my blog. I don’t decorate them all myself. I knit the hats and then people host “hat” parties.
    I bring the felted hats and supplies and demonstrate how to decorate them through needlefelting. It is a really fun process, seeing all the things that people come up with. I do sell the hats through etsy.

    Needlefelting has become much more popular of late and there is lots of info out there about it. I’d offer to come do a party for you, but alas, CA is very far from MN.

    Enjoy your snow,

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