Reading, not much time for knitting, and Ravelry

Thursday I went to the Yarnery to meet and listen to Laurie Perry, author of the web blog Crazy Aunt Purl and the book, “Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair”. I’m glad I took the time off to go see her. About 20 knitting enthusiasts filled the small classroom and Laurie came bouncing in with an air of excitement and gave me the easy feeling I was visiting with friends. A lovely, personable person with a soft southern accent, it was a pleasure to listen to her read from her book (the side comments not included in the book were especially entertaining).

Of course I bought the book and got it signed! This of course led to an entire afternoon of work avoidance while I drank a bottle of wine (in honor of Laurie) and read the entire book. Her voice is so contagious that my own inner voice became just like hers. Her writing feels so honest and “in the moment” that I found myself remembering past events and feelings and had the incredible urge to write it all down. (don’t worry, I won’t do it here!)

I cried tears of laughter reading her description of hair removal techniques she experimented with as a young girl. It’s not only a story of how she survived her divorce but a story of many of the rites of passage that we go through. I loved every minute of it! Now I’m enjoying my thoughts of who to pass the book on to, and imagining them reading it.

On to another topic: I’m patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) waiting to get invited to the Ravelry site. I keep checking back and I’m now number 9748 on the list. Whew! Finally made it under the 10,000 mark. It looks like it will be such a great knitting community site!

On to more knitting


2 thoughts on “Reading, not much time for knitting, and Ravelry

  1. Hi Shawn,

    thank you very much for your nice words for my fair isle colours. Hopefully it will become better when the darker parts of the rowing come into place.

    Ravelry is a great place, I’m happy to already be invited.
    But, take the chance now to knit everything finished which you want to have finished as the first weeks in ravelry you won’t have much time left for knitting *gg*.

    Let me know your Ravelry name when you will have the invitation 🙂

    Regards, Bea

  2. You are so lucky to see Crazy Aunt Pearl. I would have loved to see her, but not being able to drive in the dark is really screwing up my life. On a happier note, I’m on Ravelry and have so far only entered some of my many knitting books. You are going to love it. My ravelry name is Gramma Cher.

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